Enjoy the Islands as a Citizen of Dominica

There are many ways to enjoy the Islands apart from visiting them. You can become a citizen! Citizens of Island countries enjoy; access to good health care, a laid back environment, economic security, access to many relaxation areas including beaches, and most importantly a PASSPORT that gives them visa-free access to many European countries. Dominica is one of these countries.

The Dominica Economic Citizenship Program was established in 1993. It legally offers individuals and families worldwide an irrevocable second citizenship and passport in only four to six months! In fact, you do not need to have previously visited the country. Due to the country’s excellent reputation, the Commonwealth of Dominica passport provides visa-free or visa on arrival access to more than 115 countries around the world. These countries include Switzerland, UK, Singapore, Brazil and the entire European Union.

The Commonwealth of Dominica citizenship by investment program has no language, business experience, or educational requirements, and there is no mandatory interview.

The citizenship by investment program is legally entrenched in law. Obtaining a second citizenship by investment in the country is a confidential process that does not require a person to renounce their existing citizenship.

There are two major ways to acquire citizenship by investment in Dominica. These are;

Donations: A non-refundable donation could be used to fund anything, from building schools and hospitals to specific projects in sectors like tourism and agriculture. The minimum investment is US $100,000 for the main applicant. Additional fees will apply to any dependent applications. Government fees are not applicable to the donation option, making this the most cost effective way for individual applicants to apply.

Real Estate Investment: Government-approved real estate includes hotels, spas, and villas. A minimum investment of US $200,000 must be made in one of these properties to qualify for this programme. Furthermore, the applicant must hold on to the property for at least 3 years to secure lifetime citizenship.Government fees apply to any real estate investment, starting at $25,000 for a single applicant, and increasing to US $70,000 for a family of 7.

To be considered eligible for this, the main applicant must be at least 18 years of age. Children up to age 30 and dependent parents over 55 can be included.

At Paige & McCall Consulting, we can assist you with securing your second passport with the Commonwealth of Dominica. We will walk through the process from start to finish. To make further enquiries, send us an email at inquiries@pmcconsultingng.com